About Ralph Richard Banks
I grew up in Cleveland, Ohio, as the youngest child, and only boy, in a family with four children. I attended Cleveland public elementary schools, where I met a girl, Jennifer Eberhardt, who would later become my wife. After graduating from University School, a private, all boys school, I entered Stanford University, where I received bachelors and masters degrees. During law school at Harvard, I reunited with Jennifer. We married in 1997 and now have three boys.
“Peppered with interviews and candid opinions about marriage and relationships, this is a surprisingly intimate scholarly work; the sobering topic is tempered by the author’s easy-to-read, captivating style.” —Publisher’s Weekly
“A triumphant work that demystifies the intersection between compatibility and color.”–Kirkus Reviews

© 2011 Bill Youngblood
How Did I Choose the Title for this Book?
This book began as a purely scholarly book, and I had a variety of more academic titles in mind, such as Race, Marriage and Inequality; The Evolution of an American Institution; and The Effects of Economics and Culture on Intimate Relationships. My research assistant at the time told me that my suggested titles were all boring, and that if I wanted people to read the book, I needed a more attention getting title.